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Ffbe Best Dmg With Stmr

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Ffbe Best Dmg With Stmr

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Screenshot taken in game by Ryan Hawks Many Final Fantasy Brave Exvius (FFBE) players are excited to finally get their hands on their first-ever Super Trust Master (STMR) Moogle.. My Squall is level 120 and although not quite BIS he has an attack of 2127 He does between 5-6 million of damage with a double casted keen edge and about 10-12 million with his limit break (max level).. 2x) with ignore DEF (50%) to all enemies Decrease lightning and wind resistance (74%) for 3 turns to all enemies Enable skills for 4 turns to caster: Swiftwind Blade, Quickbolt Blade, Greased Lightning. Click

ffbe best stmr

WikiActionToolsA survey is going on for this, visit here to contribute or view results, kupo!There are several types of summoning available in the game:SummonCurrencySummon PoolRareOnce a Day Limited SummonLapisRare summon unit with increased rate for featured units.. Sephiroth and Orlandeau can chain with Agrias Tidus can chain with Camille Ultimately, FFBE is game that rewards patience.. Rare SummonLapisRare Summon Ticket4 Guaranteed Ticket10% 5 Summon Ticket30% 5 Summon TicketRare summon unit with no featured units.. Jul 23, 2019 Starting August 2nd, FFBE players will be able to exchange STMR tickets for STMR Moogles.

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Featured SummonLapisRare Summon Ticket4 Guaranteed Ticket10% 5 Summon Ticket30% 5 Summon TicketRare summon unit with increased rate for featured units.. Raid SummonRaid CoinEvent materials, unit, or enhancers Exvius SummonEX Summon Ticket4 Guaranteed EX Ticket5 Guaranteed EX TicketRare summon unit with no featured units.. Standard5 Select Summon5 Select Summon Ticket (10)Select a 5 unit that can be awakened to 7 with no limited units.. That's solo against the wooden soldier so no buffs were used I can't test what damage he does when chaining with another copy of himself though.. forms Mages tend to like Ramuh, Tetra Slypheed and Leviathan for the magic bonuses being higher and Levi having magic killer effects to use.

ffbe best stmr 2021

So no truly best single esper Especially the physical damage units since most Espers have killers hiding in thier 2.. Type SummonLapisRare Summon Ticket4 Guaranteed Ticket10% 5 Summon Ticket30% 5 Summon TicketRare summon unit with a restriction on 5 units.. 5 Guaranteed 10 1 Ticket Summon5 Guaranteed 10 1 Summon TicketRare summon unit with no featured units.. The best thing about these three units is that they have easily summonable 3 and 4 star-base chaining partners.. 10 1 Ticket Summon10 1 Summon TicketRare summon unit with no featured units One 4 guaranteed. e10c415e6f

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Step-up SummonLapisRare summon unit with increased rate for featured units with additional bonus per step.. Supports and Damage units Espers vary in effectiveness based on what you fighting.. Ffbe Best Dmg With Star 2017Ffbe Best Dmg With Star WarsFfbe Best Dmg With Star TrekPhysical damage (4.